
Kaylene George is an autistic self-advocate, author, and mother of five, including one autistic child. She realized her own autism as an adult shortly after her son received his initial diagnosis. Suddenly the parts of her that seemed so “weird” to society had an answer. Since then, Kaylene has passionately shared about her experiences with autism from both sides of the great divide between parents and autistic self-advocates on AutisticMama.com.

  • My Work at Home Adventure

    Since the time I was 16 I had a job. Really, I had jobs before then, but nothing “official” until I was 16. I always planned on being a working mom. I didn’t think there was any way for me to not work! I graduated highschool. I moved up in jobs steadily while earning my […]

  • Why We Want a Big Family

    I never pictured myself with a big family. Granted, I never saw myself as a stay at home mom or homeschooler either! Right now I have three kids, which is not even close to a big family. If it were up to me, I’d have a baby every year. Today I’m babysitting my friend’s two […]

  • Teaching Biblical Truths as a Bible Newbie

    I am a baby Christian. Well, that’s not entirely true. According to a scale that Chris was shown, I’m technically a “toddler Christian”, but really? That’s not much better. I am still a Bible newbie, so you can imagine my panic when my sweet four year old informed me that he wanted to learn from […]

  • Handling Sensory Processing Disorder Meltdowns at Church

    If you’re a regular reader here at This Outnumbered Mama, you’ve probably seen that my middle son A-Man has an expressive language delay, dyspraxia, and sensory processing disorder. This can make for some fairly epic meltdowns. His newest venture? Throwing chairs. This has been added to his usual throwing himself to the ground, hitting anything/anyone […]

  • Thankfulness Through the Mess

    Friends, I’m going to be 100% honest with you all today. This morning I woke up just before 4 am. I started to fall back asleep, and the baby started crying. After nursing him, A-Man was crying. He’s been fighting a cold the last week or so. His crying and coughing, kept waking up Baby […]

  • Break the Silence.

    This is the part of my post where I will make very clear that this may not be easy to read for some people who have gone through the loss of a pregnancy or child. Here is my TRIGGER WARNING! If you cannot read this, know that I am praying for you sweet mama. You […]