
Kaylene George is an autistic self-advocate, author, and mother of five, including one autistic child. She realized her own autism as an adult shortly after her son received his initial diagnosis. Suddenly the parts of her that seemed so “weird” to society had an answer. Since then, Kaylene has passionately shared about her experiences with autism from both sides of the great divide between parents and autistic self-advocates on AutisticMama.com.

  • When Will My Autistic Child Talk is the Wrong Question

    I have a lot of readers who find my blog when their autistic child was diagnosed recently, or even while they’re waiting for their child’s official diagnosis. And oftentimes, their child is non-speaking or really struggles to communicate verbally. The first question I’m asked is often, “when will my autistic child talk?” And I get […]

  • The Missing Piece in Autism Behavior Plans

    When you hear about autistic children, hearing about their behavior is never too far behind. Whether it’s someone recommending a behavioral therapy like ABA… or asking about how to discipline an autistic child… or the school creating a written autism behavior plan… It feels like everyone has some sort of plan for managing an autistic […]

  • The Real Reason You Struggle With #Adulting as an Autistic Adult

    I know you’ve seen the memes… “Just scheduled my own doctor appointment… #Adulting” “Did the dishes before going to bed! #Adulting” And let’s not get into how #Adulting has some seriously ableist connotations… That’s another post for another day. Today, instead, I want to chat about the real reason that you might struggle with #adulting […]

  • 3 Totally Valid Strategies to Help Your Autistic Child Communicate

    When your autistic child struggles to communicate, it feels like everything becomes about one specific thing… How can you make your autistic child talk? Sometimes it feels like the only way to help your autistic child communicate is to spend tons of time in therapies teaching them to talk, and then teaching them to talk […]

  • What I Wish the Doctors Told You at Your Child’s Diagnosis

    When I chat with new readers who have found me very soon after they got their child’s initial autism diagnosis, I’m torn between two feelings. First, I’m heartbroken for them, but not for the reason you think. See, I’m not about to tell you that I’m heartbroken that “autism stole their child” or that they […]