Month: August 2019

  • 5 Myths About Autistic Kids & Aggressive Meltdowns Debunked

    When people think about autistic kids, oftentimes they think of a child having an aggressive meltdown. It’s really frustrating as an autistic person and the parent of an autistic child because there are so many misconceptions and myths about autistic kids & aggressive meltdowns. Now, I’m not saying that autistic kids never have aggressive meltdowns… […]

  • Project-Based Hands On History for Homeschoolers

    When I first started homeschooling, and it was just Mr. C and I, some things were a LOT easier. See, he’s just like me. Hand him a book and he’s pretty much golden. But as the kids have gotten older and we’ve added A-Man and Cap’n M to our homeschool, and have Miss S convinced […]