When you’re just starting a direct sales business, it can be exciting and overwhelming all at the same time. You’re setting goals and hoping that you’ll succeed, but how do you start promoting your direct sales company?

First and foremost, we don’t want to be spammy. I think that was my biggest fear when I got started with direct sales was sharing too much and making my friends feel like I was just always trying to sell to them. That’s why I’m so excited about these 7 ways to promote your direct sales business without being spammy!

7 Ways to Promote Your Direct Sales Business (Without Being Spammy!)

7 Ways to Promote Your Direct Sales Business Without Being Spammy!

Create a Facebook Group

Every. Single. Direct. Sales. Professional. Needs. A. Facebook. Group.

Now, a very important disclaimer. Please, pretty please with sugar on top, please do not add people to a group without their permission. It’s spammy. It’s creepy. It will completely turn people off of your business before you’ve even had a chance to share it with them. Please don’t do it. Yes, I’m begging. Please.

Now that the begging is over, create a Facebook and add people with permission. Either post a status that explains what you’re doing and asks people to like or comment on the post to be added to the group or message friends individually to ask if they’d like to be added.

Once you have a group, treat it well! Give them extra deals. Post your monthly specials. Offer them value outside of just sales. Post about how you use your products. Post fun articles that relate to your industry. Ask your friends to take pictures with their products! Have fun with your group, it will be a huge asset for your direct sales business.

Start a Blog

Okay, so this is easier if you already have a blog, obviously, but anyone can start a blog. Writing blog posts about your direct sales business can really help jumpstart your business! People don’t like to be sold to, they like to get value.

I don’t write “hey I have a really cool Pound Kit and you should buy it”, I write about an independent fine motor activity for autistic preschoolers. Many of my readers are moms of autistic preschoolers. I’m giving them value.

As an added bonus, you can bring in an income with your blog outside of your direct sales business. To do this, though, you cannot post only about your direct sales products and opportunity.

Do you sell Lularoe? Have a fashion blog and sometimes post about not Lularoe stuff, like makeup or shoes. Do you sell essential oils? Write some posts about general wellness. Do you sell Fundanoodle like me? Write posts about parenting, kids development, and fun activities.

Offer readers value, and they’ll become loyal to you! Then you can slip your products in, and readers will actually buy!

Have a Mystery Hostess Party

For those of you who don’t know what this is, a mystery hostess party is a direct sales party where the hostess benefits are randomly given to one of the people who purchased items from the party.

My friend does these regularly, and to be entered to become the hostess, you need to make a $50 purchase. Our hostess benefits start at just $200, so we only need 4 participants to have a successful mystery hostess party!

A mystery hostess party can be a great way to involve our friends who would love to get some of our awesome free products, but that say that they don’t have any friends who would buy. With a mystery hostess party they don’t have to invite a bunch of friends or feel guilty if they don’t buy.

But as an extra incentive, you can always offer an extra entry for anyone who invites a friend to join!

7 Ways to Promote Your Direct Sales Business Without Being Spammy!

Pick a New Party Theme

Do you feel like you’ve totally tapped out your friends and family? Like everyone you know has hosted a party with you, and there’s no reason for them to host another one?

Find a new party theme! Maybe you want to do throw a coffee and conversations party, or host a sip and share. Have a bingo night or a lunch and learn. A back to school bash, a summer end sale, or really anything! The possibilities are seriously endless!

When you ask your friend to host another party, you have to give her a reason to want to host again. Turn the monthly special into a fun event or think of a fun new theme, and you’ll have a lot more excitement coming from your potential hostesses!

Create a Facebook Page

I’m just going to be honest here. You likely won’t make much money for your direct sales company from your Facebook page. Facebook is a constant love-hate relationship for businesses. Just when you think you’ve got it figured out so that your followers will see your stuff, the algorithm changes again.

That said, you still need a Facebook page. Why do you need a Facebook page if you have a Facebook group? Because a Facebook page 1) is more easily found in search and 2) gives you access to Facebook ads!

You might not be ready for Facebook ads just yet, but you will eventually want that option. You can boost posts so that more of your followers, and your followers friends, can see what you post on your page. You can also create specific ads promoting a special or even your own group.

Create a Challenge

If you are looking to drum up some excitement about your direct sales products, why not create a challenge that uses some of those products? You might think that this will only work if you’re selling a product like a workout or meal plan.

But you can create a challenge out of almost any product. I sell Fundanoodle kids’ products, so I could run an “intentional parenting” challenge, a “fine motor development” challenge, a “learning through play” challenge, or more!

If you sell clothes, it could be a challenge for stay at home moms to really get dressed each day for a week. Or maybe do a “Just Five Minutes” challenge where you show people a different five minute look using the makeup you sell every day.

Challenges are fun because while you can of course, sell products, it also helps to create a community around your brand. What’s better than a group of your customers who are all excited about your products and connecting with each other?!

Broadcast on Facebook Live

Don’t even tell me that you’re afraid of live video. Basically everyone is. But it is such a powerful tool for promoting your direct sales business! People purchase from people that they know, like, and trust. There’s no easier way to get someone to know, like, and trust you than to show your authentic little self on a video. Except for knowing them in person.

That’s it! Facebook Live (and really, all live video) gives us the opportunity to “know someone in person” online. So seriously, hop on Facebook Live and chat about the monthly specials. Hold a q&a chat. Do a tutorial with one of the products. The sky is the limit, but really, you should be doing Facebook Live chats to promote your direct sales business!

Still feeling nervous? Do your first Facebook Live broadcast in your private customer group. You already know that they like you, so it will be so much easier! If you are still freaking out at the thought of doing live video, do it as a giveaway. Have a simple giveaway and do a Facebook Live broadcast where you pick the winner out of a hat and announce it to the group!

Really, friend, you owe it to yourself and your business to start doing Facebook Live!

So now that you have all of these fun new methods of promoting your direct sales business, I want to hear all about the successes you’re having!

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