I started blogging because I found myself in a crazy life situation that I never planned on, and I wanted to connect with other moms like me. In the span of two years I got divorced, then got married, had a baby, then had another baby, became a stay at home mom, then a work at home mom, and received various diagnoses for two of my four children.
I never in a million years believed this is where my life would be, but I’m incredibly thankful. I share these blog traffic and income reports not because I’m a huge blogger and want to brag. I share because when I started out, I was dreaming of hitting 5,000 pageviews. When I was in that place, the huge traffic and income reports would either inspire me like crazy, or send me into a total funk.
So I decided that I would start sharing my reports before I’m that big. I want to continue these so that in two years I can point people back to these posts and they can follow my journey and learn from my growth.
Blog Traffic and Income Report May 2016
Blogging Traffic
My traffic didn’t tank too hard after my viral post, though after a month of nearly 50k pageviews, it’s a little disheartening.
I keep trying to remind myself that I’m in this blogging game for the long haul, and I’m really happy with where my numbers are at.
Blog Traffic
- Pageviews: 14,895
- Users: 9,578
My Most Popular Posts
- The Best Baby Sleep Hack From a Mom of Four
- Bible Verses for Special Needs Moms
- Why I Do Not Support Autism Speaks
My Top Referrers
What Worked and What I’m Changing
My traffic didn’t crash as hard as I thought it would after my viral post! I was pretty nervous that it would fall hard, so I’m happy with being so close to 15k pageviews. I originally set the goal of 10k pageviews by the end of 2016, so I’m incredibly happy to be staying right around or even above that consistently. Who knows, maybe I’ll hit 50k by the end of the year!
I’m currently changing how I do my promotion, and I’m looking at a few new tools and strategies to help sustain and grow pageviews. I’m using more and different chore threads, I’ve given up a few chore threads that weren’t bringing in results. I’m toying around with stumbleupon in a new way to see how that works out.
I also am trying to keep my June expectations fairly low. I have a big state homeschool convention that I’m doing with Fundanoodle mid-June, so I’m not sure that I’ll have as much time to devote to the blog.
Blog Income $364.38
Income Sources
- MediaVine Ads: $78.04
- Amazon Affiliates: $1.34
- Other Affiliates: $10
- Sponsored Content (iHomeschool Network and MomitForward): $275
What Worked and What I’m Changing
I am thrilled with the income that the blog brought in this month. I had four sponsored posts which brought in the bulk of my income. I also had my first full month with Mediavine and I am thrilled with the results. I am getting over $5 rpm, whereas with adsense I was getting less than $2.
One change for this month is that I don’t believe I have any sponsored posts lined up, so I’m sure that I’ll see a significant drop in income. I would love to say that I’ll be getting a new product up in the shop, but I am fairly certain that with the homeschool convention that might not happen.
Goals for June
My main goal for June is to reach 15k pageviews. I believe if I focus and really work my promotion strategy I can get there. I also plan to do some restructuring on the blog, so that will take up a large chunk of time.
Another goal is to continue re-doing old posts. Since I’ve come up with my standard blog images, I’ve been going through old posts, editing them and giving them new images. Then I push them through on Pinterest or Facebook to give them another shot at traffic.
Finally, I’m going to be a bit sneaky and start writing some holiday content in the Summer. See, there’s a lot of holiday content that I want to share, but I don’t want to post a bajillion things in November. So I’m going to be writing posts and back-dating them to last year’s holiday. That way they’re up on my site and ready for me to promote as we get closer to the holidays without annoying any of my readers. Sneaky right?
That’s it for me! I hope that you’ve enjoyed reading this blog traffic and income report for May 2016. Most of all, though, I hope that it’s shown you that bloggers without a ton of pageviews can make some money from their blogs!
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Oh thanks for this! I was wondering about Mediavine and why is everyone loving them so much. Now I can see why. :)
I love your reports! Thanks for posting them!
I love reading about blog traffic and income reports. I started my new blog a few months ago and am only doing blog traffic and email reports. I think I’ll start some affiliate marketing and do income reports in a few months. This will be exciting but I know I’m not going to make mega bucks from it!
That’s awesome you had a viral post. I’m waiting for mine to happen but not holding my breath! And what a great tip to write some seasonal blog posts in the summer!
Thanks for sharing your journey with us and I’m looking forward to see your growth.
How did you get involved with Mediavine? Did you approach them or did they approach you?
I approached them. One of my best blog friends joined with them and she told me about them. If you go to their website here: http://www.mediavine.com/ you can apply (it’s towards the bottom I believe). They’ve been a game changer for me!