
  • I Am Not a Pinterest Mom

    Friends, I’m going to get real in this post. A sweet friend of mine posted on facebook recently that when she goes on Pinterest she sees bloggers so upset that they only ran 5 miles that day, or they were having a “lazy day” so their kids only got pancakes for breakfast. For non-pinterest moms, […]

  • How Giving our Son His Own Room Saved Our Sanity

    We are definitely not of the belief that every child should have their own room. My oldest boys Mr. C and A-Man have shared a room from the second A-Man was sleeping in a crib. I keep them in my room when they’re babies for sanity reasons, [read: I am not walking down the hall […]

  • Raise Your Kids in the Faith as a Bible Newbie

    If you’ve been reading This Outnumbered Mama for a while, you’ve probably heard about what a Bible newbie I am. It can be really intimidating trying to raise kids in a faith that you’re so new at yourself. This can be especially difficult when tackling topics that not even all Christians agree on, like whether […]

  • Why My Kids Still Nap, And How We Do It!

    My boys are 5, almost 4, and a year and a half. All three of them nap, or at least rest, every day. I had no idea that this wasn’t the norm. My kids have always been nappers, to the point where my family would tease me that my kids were always sleeping. I’ve seen […]

  • Handling Birthdays In Split Parent Families

    Birthdays are crazy exciting for kids. How often do we tell our kids that it’s not all about them or that they aren’t the center of the universe? Well on their birthday it is all about them! They get a party with all their friends and family and they get to eat cake and ice […]