• We Tried the SAGO Mini First Words App – Here’s Our Review!

    With Autistic children, there is no shortage of therapies thrown at you and often shoved down your throat, but one that I’ve found incredibly helpful for my Autistic kids is speech therapy. Empowering Autistic communication is *so* important, and giving our kids the tools they need to communicate doesn’t always come naturally. But speech therapy […]

  • 3 Mistakes Even the Best Parent-Advocates Make

    (Inside: Even the best parent-advocates are making one of these 3 mistakes, but with this post, you can get through them faster or avoid them altogether!) Are you making one of these three surprising mistakes that even the best parent-advocates make? If you are like many of my very best clients, chances are, you probably […]

  • 5 Practical Ways to Embrace Autism in April

    April is basically the Super Bowl of autism. And the problem is that harmful organizations like Autism Speaks and Spark and ABA Lobbyists are the Giants with billion-dollar ad budgets. They are one team in the Super Bowl of autism. And then there are the Autistic advocates, and we’re the other team in April, the […]

  • How to Manage Eloping With the Embracing Autism Method

    A birthday party. The park. The therapy clinic parking lot. These are just a few of the places that my son has eloped—running or wandering away from caregivers—from. Maybe you can relate to the moments of absolute terror when your child bolts and your breath leaves you right along with them. Eloping is one of […]

  • Handle School Refusal With the Embracing Autism Method

    School refusal is one of the biggest concerns that so many of my clients come to me with. Whether your child has a massive meltdown in the school parking lot, refuses to ever get in the car in the first place, or elopes from their classroom whenever they get stressed out… And when your child […]

  • How Do You Know if It’s Autism or Just Behavior?

    What is autism? And what is just behavior?  How do I know where the line is between accepting my autistic child as they are, while not letting them do whatever they want just because they’re autistic? Where exactly is the line between the behavior that kids do—because spoiler alert kids misbehave—and the behavior that’s directly […]