
  • Autism-Friendly Potty Training With the Embracing Autism Method

    Potty Training. The words that send a shiver down the spine of parents of Autistic children everywhere. (And I’m only half kidding!) Whether you have… an Autistic toddler who’s showing interest in the potty An Autistic preschooler who needs to go potty in order to access child care Or a school-aged (or older) Autistic child […]

  • 3 Reasons Autistic Kids Are So Rigid

    Two Words: Autistic. Rigidity. My clients in the Embracing Autism Accelerator program are always looking for new strategies to manage their Autistic child’s rigidity. And if you’re parenting an Autistic child, I’m sure you can relate! See, it isn’t a secret that Autistic children tend to be extremely rigid, whether that looks like… always sitting […]

  • 3 Reasons It’s Totally Okay to Suck at Consistency

    Honesty Time: I’m flakey AF. Am I allowed to say that? Whatever, I’m saying it. I straight up SUCK at consistency. Between my own lack of executive functioning, my chronic health struggles, and the fact that I’m an Autistic adult raising 6 neurodivergent kids with my ADHD partner, pretty much nothing in my life is […]

  • What is a Parent-Advocate Plan (And Why You Need One)

    “Everyone tells us what NOT to do, and no one gives us a real plan” “The advice feels so random and contradictory, how do I actually put it all together?” “Can’t someone just tell me how to be the parent-advocate my kid needs?” Sound familiar? If so, you aren’t alone. The truth is, most of […]

  • You Can’t Love Your Child & Hate Their Autism

    “I love my child, but I hate autism” I hear this phrase all the time, and every time it breaks my heart. And I want to be clear… If you are a parent who’s said this, I don’t doubt that you love your child. I don’t doubt that for one second. But no matter how […]